Thursday, June 19, 2014


Oh my goodness so much has happened in the last couple of weeks! I can't believe that I'm just now writing about it. I've been busy prepping for this show (it's in two days and I am FREAKING out).

    BUT YOU GUYS!!!!!!!! Something crazy happened to me last week!!
Oh my gosh I can't even tell you how excited I am about it! Since I started this whole competition shhhtuff, I had dreams of getting noticed. I had dreams of getting sponsored and of making a new lifestyle out of fitness and competing. Since I very first began prepping for my very first competition (8 months ago), I knew I was already addicted. I loved training for it. I loved dieting for it. It absolutely sucks and it's so hard, but I loved pushing myself toward my goals. I knew that I had to compete again before I even stepped onstage for the first time. I have become so passionate for this. But I never thought that I would already have a sponsor, going into my third competition. I never thought that I would have these opportunities so soon. To be working with such amazing and inspiring people on projects that I know will change the fitness industry forever.
    The company that is sponsoring me is called Fitness Competitors Database. Their website just launched yesterday and you HAVE TO check it out!! It's for everybody involved with fitness. From trainers, to photographers, to athletes, to models. It connects everyone so easily. All you have to do is make a profile for yourself, saying what all you do. It's such a good way to get your name out there and to open new opportunities. The website is Please go check it out. It is going to be a breakthrough in the fitness industry and I feel so honored to be a part of it. Also go follow them on instagram @fitnesscompetitorsdatabase and check out my new fitness instagram @tiarajordyn_fit
    I am so so grateful for this opportunity. As I mentioned a few posts ago, competing is draining. Physically, emotionally, and financially. This gave me a new boost of motivation to push hard and reminded me why I started this journey. I was living paycheck to paycheck to afford my competitions, and I'm so extremely grateful that I have this show completely paid for. I don't want to sound like I'm bragging about this. But I want to inspire people to chase their dreams, even when it's hard. Even when you don't have the money. Even when you have to work extra hours. Even when you feel like you've pushed yourself to your limit. Keep going. "Follow your dreams, and the universe will open doors for you where there were only windows." That quote could not be more true. Whether it's fitness, or something else, push through the hard times and be grateful for every opportunity you receive.

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